Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Anchorage shakes from strong earthquake

The largest city of Alaska, Anchorage experienced a strong earthquake on Monday, which was centered 30 miles northwest from the city limits. Although experts said the quake was not expected to create a tsunami, the shaking could be felt 175 miles across the state. The quake of a magnitude 5.8 caused very little damage to buildings and there were no reports of any structural collapses. The region is seismically active and experiences frequent earthquakes. Most residents are accustomed to these small shakes, but most occur in remote areas and go commonly unnoticed. Buildings are also built to earthquake standards to limit the amount of damage and mitigate the devastating impacts of an earthquake event. However, if this happened in an are that is not used to earthquakes of this magnitude (i.e. The East Coast) this would be a bigger deal and would gain more media attention.

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